Shipping & Payment


We ship from multiple warehouses.
  • The shipping costs are calculated per warehouse.
  • All brands listed in a warehouse can be ordered together and shipped in one package to save shipping costs.
  • EU Warehouse 1:

    • Brands: Hilma Biocare, Omstal Pharma & Somatrop-Lab

    • Ships from: EU

    • Ships to: EU / UK / USA

    • No Shipping to: Denmark
    • Shipping cost: 25€

    • ETA: 7 – 14 days

  • EU Warehouse 2:

    • Brands: Cygnus Pharmaceutical group & Elbrus Pharmaceuticals

    • Ships from: EU

    • Ships to: EU & UK

    • Shipping cost: 15€

    • ETA: 7 – 14 days
  • EU Warehouse 3:

    • Brands: Prime Pharma & Unique Pharma

    • Ships from: EU

    • Ships to: EU

    • No shipping to: UK, Switzerland, Canary Islands, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway. 
    • Shipping cost: 15€

    • ETA: 7 – 14 days

  • EU Warehouse 4:
    • Brands: Imperia Labs, Omega Meds, pharm-tec, Pharma Group & Raw Pharmaceuticals

    • Ships from: EU

    • Ships to: EU / UK / USA

    • Shipping cost: 25€

    • ETA: 7 – 14 days
  • EU Warehouse 5:
    • Brands: Deus Medical

    • Ships from: EU

    • Ships to: EU

    • No Shipping to: Italy, Spain, Sweden
    • Shipping cost: 20€

    • ETA: 7 – 14 days
  • USA Warehouse 2:

    • Brands: Beligas Pharmaceuticals

    • Ships from: USA

    • Ships to: USA

    • Shipping cost: 25$

    • ETA: 3 – 7 days
Shipping time:
  • 3 – 21 days (depending on the country)
  • After payment is received, we process orders within 48 hours (we do not ship on weekends or national holidays)
  • We will send you the tracking numbers as soon as the order is shipped.
  • Large orders will be shipped in separate packages.
  • 100% privacy packaging with no reference to the contents or this website.

Payment methods:

  • SEPA bank transfer (only for EUR payments / directly to our accounts with 10% processing fee, minimum order value 200€).
  • Bank transfer, Credit/Debit Card, AstroPay, GiroPay, Neteller -> Pay with Bank Transfer & Credit/Debit Card
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Dash (DASH)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Monero (XMR)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Tether (USDT_ERC20)
  • Tether (USDT_TRC20)
  • Tron (TRX)
  • Zcash (ZEC)

Another Coin? Just ask us for your desired coin. We can receive over 100 different cryptos.
